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Education & Seminars



Every day

Monday - Sunday
Private Lessons - all day, free choice of day and time [LTStudio]
TANGO DELUXE© - Boutique Private Lessons: starts daily! More information: HERE !

Every Sunday


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Beginners / Intermediate / Advanced [LAOKOONTANGO Dance Hall]
NEW! 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Intensive Argentine Tango Course for Absolute Beginners: starts on 16th of February 2025!
More information: HERE !

Dance levels

  • Absolute beginners - no experience
  • Beginners - 1 ~ 6 months
  • Intermediate - 6 months ~ 2 years
  • Advanced - over 2 years


LAOKOONTANGO practical seminars - trainings
Introduction in the aesthetics of Tango Argentino
The Style and The Passion*
Part I
Bases of Tango Classico – from Canyengue / Orillero to Tango de Fantasia.
Characteristics and specifics of Milonguero Style and Tango De Salon. Estilo Villa Urguiza
Seminar 1
1st part - Origin, Aesthetics, Styles, Characteristics of the musical environment
2nd part - Introduction in the bases of Tango Argentino, La Caminata I - descriptions of walking (Classico/Nuevo), Eje and Postura - "stand up" body in axis/balance and posture, components of the body, specifics and uniqueness of the dancers movement in Tango.
Seminar 2
1st part - Introduction in the bases of Tango Argentino, La Caminata II - walking, keeping la postutra in motion, El Paseo - "take a walk", "passing over"; Dissociation - walking in dissociation
2nd part - El Abrazo - The embrace, descriptions of embrace - close/open, Balanceo / Cadencia - "entering" in cadences, leading and following , La Caza/Chasse - "pursuit"/"chase"
Seminar 3
1st part - Introduction in the bases of Tango Argentino, La Caminata III - diagonal walking, Planeo/Pivot - circulation round the axis, glide
2nd part - Leading and Following, La Marca/Marcacion - principles of the leading, change of the center of gravity, Detencion - detain, Freno - stopping
Seminar 4
1st part - Introduction in the bases of Tango Argentino, La Caminata IV - diagonal walking / walking in couple, walking "in" the lady and "out" of the lady, leading and following, Cruzada/Trabada - crossing , La Resolution - finishing/"closing"
2nd part - Salida - way out/beginning and Salida de Basica - basic figure; The line of the dance
Seminar 5
1st part - El Ocho - "figure of eight" (Atras, Adelante, Cortado-milonguero), Ocho Defrente - frontal "figure of eight"
2nd part - Ochos en Espejo - ochos in the "mirror", combinations
Seminar 6
1st part - Voleo - boleo , breaking "ocho", "throw" of the leg, Latigazo - "whip"
2nd part - Combinations - El Caminata + Voleo, Ocho + Voleo, Voleo Vertikal
Seminar 7
1st part - Giro I - "circle", components and succession of movements and figures, rhythmics (cadence)
2nd part - Giro II - "circle", performing of the movement in couple, timing and synchronization
Seminar 8
1st part - El Gancho - "the hook", outside/inside
2nd part - Еl Gancho Vertical/Frontal, Enganche, Enpuhe
Seminar 9
1st part - Estilo Milonguero and Tango de Salon - aesthetics and characteristics; Principles of improvisation
2nd part – Estilo Villa Urguiza
Seminar 10
1st part - Milonguero Style and Tango de Salon II – aesthetics and characteristics; Principles of improvisation
2nd part – Estilo Villa Urguiza
Seminar 11
1st part - Milonguero Style and Tango de Salon III – aesthetics and characteristics; Principles of improvisation
2nd part – Estilo Villa Urguiza
Seminar 12
1st part – Changing of direction, timing and synchronization, respect to the line of the dance
2nd part - La Media Luna/Media Vuelta – half circulation/turning in combination
Seminar 13
1st part – Parada – stopping, Barrida/ llevada – "a sweeping motion" of the leg, Arrastre – "to drag/pull", combinations
2nd part – Sacada – "displacement" (Atras, Adelante), Desplazamiento – "remove/shift" of the leg, combinations
Seminar 14
1st part – Rulo/Lapis, combinations, Adornos – ornaments
2nd part – Mordida/Sanduchito – "sandwich", Passada – "pass over/through"
Seminar 15
1st part - Tango Vals I – characteristics of the rhythmic, from 2/4 tempo to 3/4 tempo, Arrepentida – synchronic "shaking", Cortina – "running"
2nd part - Tango Vals II - Vals Criolo/Vals Cruzado
Seminar 16
1st part - Tango Vals III – leading in Sincopado, Caminado (Caminar) Valsiado – valsing in "right", pivot, change of direction
2nd part – La Cadena – "chain"
Seminar 17
1st part - Milonga I – characteristics of the cadence, Arrepentida, Cuadrado – "square"
2nd part - Milonga – Traspie/Sincopado I – stepping in half time
Seminar 18
1st part - Milonga II – Ochos and Adornos
2nd part – Milonga – Traspie/Sincopado II – combination in half time
Part II
Tango Nuevo. Tango Nuevo vs. Tango Classico
Seminar 19
1st part - Contemporary tendencies in Tango Argetino, characteristics of Tango Nuevo style, characteristics of the cadence and the musical environment, Tango Nuevo vs. Tango Classico
2nd part - La Caminata I - walking, El Abrazo - the embrace, combining of close and open embrace, special points of interaction, specifics of leading and following
Seminar 20
1st part - La Caminata II - walking, rhythmic/manipulating of cadence; Interaction of energies (using the energy of the partner)
2nd part - The man leads, but also follows; technology of the interaction between partners
Seminar 21
1st part - La Caminata III - walking, rhythmic/manipulating of cadence; interaction of energies (using the energy of the partner)
2nd part - Synchronization in Giro and elements in combination, Giro en Espejo - "mirror", timing and synchronization of the movements
Seminar 22
1st part - Giro I - parallel system
2nd part - Giro II - parallel system vs. espejo
Seminar 23
1st part - Voleo Defrente - frontal boleo, typology and technique, Patada - "a kick"
2nd part - Voleo Atras/Adelante - front/back boleo in opposition
Seminar 24
1st part - Gancho Defrente - frontal gancho, typology and technique
2nd part - Gancho Defrente - combinations
Seminar 25
1st part - Colgadas I - braking of the axis in opposite directions , typology and technique of breaking of the axis of the partners "outsde of the center"
2nd part - Colgadas II - combinations
Seminar 26
1st part - Volcadas I - braking of the axis in the same directions , typology and technique of breaking of the axis of the partners "inside of the center"
2nd part - Volcadas II - combinations, Otra vez - consecutively "repeating"/varations
Seminar 27
1st part - Soltadas - breaking of the embrace
2nd part - Enroscadas - synchronic movement and "twist" of the legs
3rd part - Elevadas - catching and raising up of the leg
Seminar 28
1st part - Piernaco I - "whip" figures with legs
2nd part - Piernaco II - combinations
Seminar 29
1st part - Piernaco III - combinations with Colgadas
2nd part - Piernaco IV - combinations with Cunita - "swinging"
Seminar 30
1st part - Calecitas - "turnings"
2nd part - Cunita/Hamaca - "cradle"
3rd part - Trabadas - "crossings"
Seminar 31
1st part - New tango combinations and figures I - typology and technique, making choreography of the dance
2nd part - Principles of improvisation; Interaction of the energies (using the energy of the partner)! The Other one - an obligatory condition! Tango - theatricality and game, the perfect communicative act!
Seminar 32
1st part - New tango combinations and figures II - typology and technique, making choreography of the dance
2nd part - Principles of improvisation; Interaction of the energies (using the energy of the partner)! The Other One - an obligatory condition! Tango - theatricality and game, the perfect communicative act!
Seminar 33
1st part - New tango combinations and figures III - typology and technique, making choreography of the dance
2nd part - Principles of improvisation; Interaction of the energies (using the energy of the partner)! The Other one - an obligatory condition! Tango - theatricality and game, the perfect communicative act!
*This practical training, not in the least, has not any climes to be comprehensive presentation in the teaching of Tango Argentino! At once, included in the separate seminars - system, sequence, repeating and components are result from the unique and representative for LAOKOONTANGO style, as well as on our personal impressions for the necessary program-minimum in the process of mastering of Tango Argentino on the level of free and elegant dancing on milonga and satisfying of the deepest necessity of the receiver of training from attraction and setting free the personal fantasy! In the process of training are included also many others figurative components which are, at once, "bonus" to the basic program, then the part of the basic training!
LAOKOONTANGO is keeping the right for the necessary complements, changing/variations and repeating of the plan of the trainings, concerning the necessities, intensity and the quality of the mastering of subjects form the part of the receiver of training!
Because of the complexity and the specificity of mastering of Tango Argentino in the worlds practices are perceived the trainings to be added with the so-called "Practica"**! It takes place once a week and it is a serious necessity in the process of mastering of the technology of dance!
**Practice session (Practica)
Intermediate variant between tango lesson and milonga***, where the receivers of training could dancing free, while in that time, they practice what they studied up to the moment. In the same time, they could make a consultation with the instructors concerning the technique of performing of the figures, the principles of improvisation, specificity in the process of leading and giving the marcs, characteristics of the process of following, the connection between the separate components of the dance, the energy interaction between the partners etc. From that point of view, the practice session has completely training characteristic and it is a real simulation of the "social nature" of milonga.
1. Tango party, where are listening tango music, in different kinds and styles, and are dancing tango. Usually milonga takes place publicly and has a characteristic of official dance entertainment, where the elegant formal dress, the drinking and gourmet consumption are part of milongas style. The ability to dance on milonga, among many other dancers is an excellent criterion for the presence of serious skills and a quality of training of the dance. In presumption milonga is a very active communicative and social event, which is characterized with expressive playing characteristic and theatrical nature.
2. Exceptionally dynamic style in Tango Argentino, which is accepted as one of the archetypes of todays tango.
Without age limitation; complete in couples is obligatory (only for group lessons); suitable dance clothes; shoes - suitable, not very sharp in possibility, with soles from natural or artificial sole-leather or the silicone surface (but not with gummy surface): men shoes - normal heel, women shoes - 3-5-7-9 cm; dance sneakers; professional dance shoes.