3 & 6-ти Юни 2015, Хага, Холандия
Technique workshop with Ivaylo Alexandroff and Gabriela Pancheva - LAOKOONTANGO at Tango Mooovs - The Hague, Netherlands
Wednesday - June 3, 2015
Theme workshop: All about Boleos 20:00 - 21:15 hrs
Technique and Combinations
Price workshop: € 15,00
Locatie: MOOOF, Binckhorstlaan 135
Workshop, Show & DJing with LAOKOONTANGO at La Milonga Firulete
The Hague, Netherlands
Saturday - June 6, 2015
Theme workshop: Improvisation 20:00 - 21:30 hrs
Structures, games, combinations of different elements (turning, boleo, arrastre, enganche, etc.). Composing sequences - how to combine diverse elements of the tango dance to create interesting movements.
Ivaylo Alexandroff and Gabriela Pancheva Also known as Ivo & Gaby, dance together as a couple since 2007 at tango studio LAOKOONTANGO in Sofia. They have worked with the most prominent names in the world of Argentine Tango, such as Academia Nacional del Tango, Escuela Argentina de Tango and many world famous tango schools and maestros in Buenos Aires. They participated in numerous dance events worldwide as stage performers and instructors in seminars and workshops, and also created multiple theater and show tango choreographies.
Time salon: 21:30 - 01:30 hrs
Workshop: € 17.50
Entrance: € 7,50
DJ: Laokoon (Bulgaria)
Host: Fred
Location: Wim Lier, Scheveningseveer 21, 2514 HB Den Haag
La Milonga Firulete Website